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Starting October 31, more than 190 world leaders will gather for twelve days of talks to accelerate and inspire action on ambitious goals to reach net zero by the middle of this century. It’s about uniting the world to tackle the climate crisis, one of the top challenges of our time.


Now’s the time to support and encourage climate literacy so kids everywhere can have the environmental education necessary to become engaged environmental stewards.


And you—we—can be a part of it. How?

Below, find our growing list of open source Climate Literacy Tips and related Resources we've made available to help you promote and support climate literacy in your families, classrooms, and communities. Feel free to download the images and share!

Together for our planet. We can all make a difference.

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Follow our COP26 Countdown campaign on social media! @bluedotkidspress


Kids can be part of the solution! Help protect wildlife and ease the effects of climate change with Citizen Science. Learn more and take action using this “Crazy About Birds! The High-Flying Guide to Citizen Science Projects for Kids Who Love Birds” Kit.

For further info and community-building, follow @celebratebirds, @journeynorthorg, and @Feederwatch on Twitter, and @audubonsociety on Instagram!


Turn an unused part of your school campus, or backyard, into a pollinator garden. Pollinator gardens attract butterflies and other insects that help promote plant health and biodiversity (and make your school and backyard look great too!).

Interested, but unsure where to start? We recommend this Edutopia article, "Bringing the Natural World To Students With a Pollinator Garden." Contains links to great guides on how to organize your project!

Plus, connect with the community on Instagram @pollinatorpartnership, a nonprofit dedicated to pollinator health and education!


What happens to your recycling? Explore the recycling options in your area with your students or children. Are there sorting centers where you can bring your glass, plastic and paper products to give these materials a better chance of being recycled? Does your grocery store accept bottle returns? Can you turn your plastic waste into something new?


Check out the resources made available by one amazing company Precious Plastic! This entrepreneurial group of people has taken plastic recycling into their own hands. Follow @realpreciousplastic on Instagram or explore their website to learn about plastic, innovative recycling, and community-driven change near you!

Illustrations by Laura Fanelli (Our World Out of Balance)


Our friends @science_moms suggest that if you want your kids to learn about the planet and their future, make sure they’re getting the real low-down on climate change at their school. Contact your school board to show your interest and find out!


Want to learn more about climate literacy? Follow these thought leaders:











Illustrations by Laura Fanelli (Our World Out of Balance)