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Publisher's Weekly Featured Press

We're thrilled to be featured in Publisher's Weekly!

"Blue Dot Kids Press, a new children’s publisher operating out of San Francisco and Wellington, New Zealand, has unveiled five titles forthcoming in spring 2020, its inaugural list primarily focused on young readers aged three to eight years old. Distributed by Consortium in the United States and Canada, the press will release three books in April 2020 and two books in May 2020.

"The name is inspired by Carl Sagan’s famous ode to planet Earth, reflecting on our world as 'a pale blue dot' when viewed from the vastness of deep space. Most of the new books focus on the environment, encouraging children to care for our fragile world. 'It’s all about cultivating the sense of empathy and wonder that children already have innately,' said founder and publisher Heidi Hill. 'By developing this sense of empathy, they can connect to our global community and to our planet, the pale blue dot.'"


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